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[News] Xbox One: Info, News e Rumors

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 24/02/2016 12:21
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.418
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

02/01/2013 21:10

è apparso il countdown per l'inizio dell'e3....era scontato ci fosse la nuova console,ma le conferme sono sempre ben accette [SM=g1432559]
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.419
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

02/01/2013 21:11

MS and AMD has finished preliminary works on Xbox 720 CPU/APU architecture [we still dont know what exactly they are making], and they've sent final designs to be manufactured. If these wafers come out good and without bugs or yield problems, the most important part of Xbox 720 will be ready for mass production in few months. Taping process usualy lasts two months, with one additional month for detailed testing.

This news means that Xbox 720 will most likely be launched in 2013.
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.420
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

02/01/2013 21:14

L'entrata in produzione dei chip Oban della nuova Xbox dovrebbe essere avvenuta in data 31 dicembre 2012, nel bel mezzo delle festività natalizie.

A quanto pare la data di entrata in produzione dei chip è stata decisa più di un anno fa e anche se manca una verifica definitiva l'avvenuta entrata in produzione dovrebbe garantire l'arrivo della console entro fine 2013.

Eventuali ritardi, ovviamente, non sono impossibili, e i numerosi report su bug e problemi vari non sono mancati negli ultimi di mesi, ma i piani di Microsoft sembrano puntare all'inverno di quest'anno come è già successo con le Xbox precedenti.
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 4.104
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Età: 49

Gaming XP User

03/01/2013 13:09

io dico che prima.di marzo 2014 non esce...

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Post: 15.945
Registrato il: 05/12/2004

03/01/2013 13:29

hakke5, 23/09/2012 01:46:

alzi la mano chi ha pensato immediatamente a Fabrizio De Andrè


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Post: 9.459
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

14/01/2013 09:54

Xbox720 specs: 8CoreCPU,8GB,HD8800GPU,W8,640GBHDD #1

"Insider" confirms rumored specs. (we discussed them in the PS4 thread) Other insider confirms this indirectly by heralding sending MS info about this leak.

Source :

User "BD" was a former UBI (now other 3rd party) employee and says that he will leak infos about the 720's dedicated OS Ram, if MS will not spill the beans itself on E3.
Other users confirm his affiliation to the industry. This was done in course of a thread about the CVG 720 article we all know.

Now user " 战神blog", an alleged other insider, pretty much leaks the current (devkit?) specs:
Eight-core cpu, 8g memory, 8xxx graphics, windows 8 kernel specially os, 640g hard drive.
and later as an answer on the question whether an 8800 or 8900 series GPU is used:
Is 8880.
(the 8880 seems to be a typo - I think he means 8800)

now "BD" comes back into the play and indirectly confirms this specs:
You're gone, I said you divulge sensitive information sent letters to the MS PR tomorrow.
Disclaimer : everything was translated via google translate.

Someone here speaking chinese and can confirm that I didn't misunderstand anything here?

Edit: it's AMD's 8800 series that is mentioned here. No idea whether 8850 or 8870. Most probably custom silicon in the final unit.

allora se fossero vere farebbe il culetto nero anche ai pc...per questo motivo mi viene difficile credere in tutta questa potenza...a meno che microsoft non decida di vendere la console a 700 euro ed in perdita anche [SM=x35301]
certo che sarebbero da osannare se fanno sto mostro [SM=x35317]
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.461
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

14/01/2013 11:31

Analyst after CES thinks next Playstation and Xbox will cost $400. Q3 release Thread Tools
(Today, 10:12 AM)

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Analyst after CES thinks next Playstation and Xbox will cost $400. Q3 release #1

Having spent CES "with a number of companies involved in video game development and distribution", Baird Equity Research has suggested that new console hardware will retail for $350-$400 in the US.
"Given the fragile state of the console game market, we expect the E3 trade show in June will take on added significance, most likely providing the industry with the first public opportunity to examine next-generation hardware," he wrote.

"Our checks suggest that next-generation console hardware will be largely built from 'off the shelf' high-end PC components, along with hybrid physical/digital distribution models, enhanced voice controls and motion sensing (Kinect integration with every Xbox), and broad multi-media capabilities," he detailed.

"Moreover, a PC-based architecture (Intel chips in the case of Xbox) should have a number of advantages over custom-developed silicon: for one, the learning curve for software developers will be shorter than completely new technology. Second, the cost of production and retail price points should be lower than prior console launches.

"Third, it will be easier to build online services around PC chip architecture, including flexible business models (free-to-play, subscriptions) and multi-media (over the top) content offerings. For Microsoft, this design will also allow for more integration with Windows 8 and Windows Mobile devices," he added.
Sebastian expects an October launch for the new Sony console and a November launch for the next Xbox, although he warned through his "field checks" there "may be early production issues with Sony's PS4."
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.462
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

14/01/2013 18:30

Rumour: Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 to be revealed around GDC in March
NewsPublish Date 14/01/2013 - 11:51am GMT
"Apple-style press conferences" being prepped for March, Game Informer suggests, PS4 to release before Xbox 720.
xbox 7201 -

Sony and Microsoft are preparing "special Apple-style press conferences" to reveal their next-generation consoles "near the Game Developers Conference in late March", a new Game Informer report has alleged.

The magazine suggests that both platform holders will reveal the hardware around GDC, which takes place in San Francisco between March 25-29, before showing off next-gen titles at E3.

"We hear that both Sony and Microsoft are targeting special Apple-style press conferences to unveil their platforms near the Game Developers Conference in late March," reads the report in the magazine's February 2013 issue.

"E3 in June may be the industry's biggest event, but both companies want to give their systems their own limelight.

"That doesn't mean E3 won't be without its surprises. Next-gen games will be announced at the convention in preparation for the systems' release at the end of the year."

The magazine also suggests that PlayStation 4, rumoured to be codenamed Orbis, may be targeting a release ahead of Microsoft's next-generation Xbox.

"We hear that Sony in particular is determined not to come out last this time like the PlayStation 3 did this generation, so we'll have to see how soon it can get the PlayStation 4 out the door, and whether Microsoft is motivated to prevent this from happening."

The report appears to contradict comments allegedly made by Sony Home Entertainment VP Hiroshi Sakatomi during last week's CES.

The exec suggested that the imminent reveal of a next-generation PlayStation was indeed on the cards, but that the firm would be waiting until "May at least" for its announcement.

Certain developers are expected to have received devkits for Sony and Microsoft's next-generation systems already.

Back in November, the founder of Just Cause 2 developer Avalanche Studios tweeted that the studio was shipping back Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 devkits to make room for next-generation consoles.
Email Scheda Utente
14/01/2013 19:54

Facendo due calcoli....

Un buon telefono che dura oramai 1/2 anni costa 400 euro di media
Un top gamma che dura ormai 1/2 anni costa 700 euro di media

Sia il buon telefono che il top gamma negli ultimi due anni stanno vendendo a iosa! milionate su milionate!

Una console come quella dei rumors (potentissime) che dura almeno 6/10 anni se costasse 700 euro sarebbe più che giustificato...

È sono sicuro che una ps4/xbox720 venderebbero tantissimo anche a 700euro.
[Modificato da raffaeles1982@ 14/01/2013 19:55]
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 4.144
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Età: 49

Gaming XP User

14/01/2013 21:01

se vai a vedere le vendite di ps3 prima del taglio di prezzi vedrai che cosi non e'

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.464
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

14/01/2013 21:10

Xbox 720 e PlayStation 4 - Altre voci puntano alla GDC di marzo per la presentazione
Nuove voci di corridoio sulla next gen riferiscono la possibilità che le nuove console di Sony e Microsoft possano essere presentate addirittura alla Game Developers Conference del 2013, ovvero a marzo.

Questo è quanto viene riportato da Game Informer, che parla di "conferenza stampa speciali in stile Apple" per presentare le nuove console, le cosiddette PlayStation 4 e Xbox 720, o Orbis e Durango o come si chiameranno. Nel numero di febbraio della rivista in questione viene riportata dunque la possibilità che queste presentazioni avvengano "intorno alla GDC", che quest'anno è prevista dal 25 al 29 marzo, dunque ancora prima rispetto a quanto preventivato da altri rumor odierni, che in base a quanto affermato dal vice presidente di Sony Home Entertainment Sakatomo puntano all'E3 o a "maggio" per la nuova PlayStation.
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 1.086
Registrato il: 22/07/2004

Gaming XP User

15/01/2013 07:56

raffaeles1982@, 14/01/2013 19:54:

Facendo due calcoli....

Un buon telefono che dura oramai 1/2 anni costa 400 euro di media
Un top gamma che dura ormai 1/2 anni costa 700 euro di media

Sia il buon telefono che il top gamma negli ultimi due anni stanno vendendo a iosa! milionate su milionate!

Una console come quella dei rumors (potentissime) che dura almeno 6/10 anni se costasse 700 euro sarebbe più che giustificato...

È sono sicuro che una ps4/xbox720 venderebbero tantissimo anche a 700euro.

non sono d'accordo, escludendo pure il fatto che con gli smartphone oltre a giocare ci fai parecchie altre cose che con le console non puoi fare, gli smartphone vendono così tanto perché ormai sono diventati praticamente una sorta di "status symbol", vengono acquistati da tutti e non solo dagli appassionati, conosco tante persone(anche anziani) che con lo smartphone a stento sanno come telefonare e l'hanno comprato solo perché è di "moda" e ce l'hanno praticamente tutti. Una console potentissima venduta a 700 euro sarebbe giustificata dall'hardware, ma rimarrebbe praticamente sugli scaffali.

dice bene Xavier75 la ps3 prima del taglio è l'esempio lampante.
[Modificato da Nightmare83 15/01/2013 07:59]
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 4.386
Registrato il: 16/06/2004
Città: ROMA
Età: 44

Gaming XP User

16/01/2013 18:13

Secondo una fonte anonima vicina ad alcune software house europee, Microsoft ha iniziato la distribuzione dei kit di sviluppo per il motion controller di prossima generazione, disponibile con la prossima Xbox. L'indiscrezione è stata raccolta e pubblicata oggi dal sito CVG:

"Microsoft ha già informato una serie di studi sul prossimo motion controll per la Xbox di prossima generazione. Tuttavia, il tutto è mantenuto nel più stretto riservo, tanto che la fonte non ha potuto vedere di persona i development kit. Non è ancora chiaro se Microsoft utilizzerà le stesse tecnologie presenti in Kinect per la prossima generazione di motion controller."

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 4.149
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Età: 49

Gaming XP User

17/01/2013 00:14

Xbox 720, il passaggio alla nextgen non sarà evidente come quello da Xbox a Xbox 360

Neil Thompson, director of art and animation presso BioWare, ha dichiarato che il passaggio da Xbox 360 a Xbox 720 (o Xbox Next) non sarà evidente come quello dalla prima Xbox a Xbox 360.

"Facciamo i conti con le limitazioni hardware su base giornaliera, e sono sicuro che lo stesso avverrà quando passeremo alle console di nuova generazione", ha detto. "Credo che l'importante per l'industria videoludica sia non arrivare al punto in cui realizzare un videogame diventi un'operazione troppo costosa per essere sostenuta. (...) L'avvento dell'attuale generazione ha colto molti di sorpresa, in particolare per via dell'aumento esponenziale della forza lavoro necessaria per fare ciò che la gente si aspettava. La percezione è di numeri decuplicati rispetto alla generazione precedente."

"Con le console nextgen ci sarà un balzo sostanziale, ma non così evidente", ha rivelato Thompson. "Diciamo che consentiranno di ottenere determinati risultati in modo più intelligente, ma devo stare attento ciò che dico perché ci sono di mezzo degli NDA. Credo che gli addetti ai lavori saranno più preparati a questo passaggio, ma di certo non potrà esserci una nuova crescita esponenziale dei team. Sarebbe ridicolo, significherebbe dover vendere venti, trenta milioni di copie per ottenere il successo commerciale di un titolo."

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 7.494
Registrato il: 22/08/2004
Età: 37

Gaming XP User

17/01/2013 00:26

che nintendo abbia ragione ancora una volta? O_o

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.467
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

17/01/2013 16:59
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.481
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

18/01/2013 23:13

Microsoft Event Jan 24: Possible Next Gen Announcement #1

"Please join us for an exclusive open house on January 24th in the new Microsoft Technology Center in our Silicon Valley Campus in Mountain View. We will be showcasing some exciting devices, including the Xbox 360, Kinect, Surface, Windows 8 on an 82” touchscreen from Perceptive Pixel, and our newly launched SmartGlass application. We’ll have leading engineers from our hardware, manufacturing, and software teams on-hand to speak about what Microsoft has in store for the future.
As a very special bonus, Alex Kipman, one of the revolutionary minds behind the Kinect, will be delivering our keynote about the future vision for Microsoft and how we are working to join together software and hardware into meaningful, exciting hardware devices in the years to come.

This will be a great opportunity to network with engineers at Microsoft, and get your hands on some of our newest devices AND to enter a drawing to walk away with one! We hope you’ll join us! "

Who knows anymore. Could it be a next gen announcement?

Event Details:
DATE: Thursday, January 24, 2013
LOCATION: Microsoft Technology Center, Microsoft Mountain View Campus, 1065 La Avenida, Building 1, Mountain View CA 94043
TIME: 5:30pm - 8:30pm
5:30pm - Registration
6:15pm - 8:15pm - Presentations, networking, product demo'ing
8:30pm - Event concludes
Last edited by RyanReedyMusic; Today at 10:04 PM.

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Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.487
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

21/01/2013 16:16

pare che le specs di durango siano state leaked!!!

As we promised during the weekend in the next weeks we will unveil Durango and Orbis. All the technical info you want to know about the next generation machines from Sony and Microsoft.

The first one is Durango. In this article we present the system overview with the general components and some technical details about them.

How are durango components connected?

Here you can see the Durango system block diagram:

Durango Arquitecture

Let’s check what’s inside the box:


- x64 Architecture

- 8 CPU cores running at 1.6 gigahertz (GHz)

- each CPU thread has its own 32 KB L1 instruction cache and 32 KB L1 data cache

- each module of four CPU cores has a 2 MB L2 cache resulting in a total of 4 MB of L2 cache

- each core has one fully independent hardware thread with no shared execution resources

- each hardware thread can issue two instructions per clock


- custom D3D11.1 class 800-MHz graphics processor

- 12 shader cores providing a total of 768 threads

- each thread can perform one scalar multiplication and addition operation (MADD) per clock cycle

- at peak performance, the GPU can effectively issue 1.2 trillion floating-point operations per second

High-fidelity Natural User Interface (NUI) sensor is always present

Storage and Memory:

- 8 gigabyte (GB) of RAM DDR3 (68 GB/s)

- 32 MB of fast embedded SRAM (ESRAM) (102 GB/s)

- from the GPU’s perspective the bandwidths of system memory and ESRAM are parallel providing combined peak bandwidth of 170 GB/sec.

- Hard drive is always present

- 50 GB 6x Blu-ray Disc drive


- Gigabit Ethernet

- Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct

Hardware Accelerators:

- Move engines

- Image, video, and audio codecs

- Kinect multichannel echo cancellation (MEC) hardware

- Cryptography engines for encryption and decryption, and hashing
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 4.175
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Età: 49

Gaming XP User

21/01/2013 17:23

postata piu' per ridere che altro...
Un analista prevede un futuro nero per Microsoft e Xbox
E' la stagione delle previsioni da parte degli analisti di mercato: con l'avvicinarsi di possibili annunci riguardanti la nuova generazione di console, partono le analisi incontrollate sui futuri possibili.

Secondo Adam Hartung di Forbes, per esempio, Microsoft si deve preparare ad una parabola discendente alquanto ripida: "la divisione entertainment verrà rivista, venduta a qualcuno come Sony o forse a Barnes & Noble, oppure drasticamente ridotta di dimensioni", dice Hartung, prospettando addirittura una vendita della sezione responsabile di Xbox al concorrente diretto Sony, una visione decisamente bizzarra.

Sempre sulla divisione entertainment, Hartung sostiene: "Incapace di generare profitti, verrà sempre più vista come un elemento di distrazione dalla lotta per salvare Windows - e Microsoft ha mostrato a lungo come la compagnia non abbia idea di come far crescere in maniera profittevole questa sezione di business". Si prospettano quindi possibili licenziamenti nei prossimi tre anni e la possibile chiusura della divisione online: "Microsoft ottiene più del 75% dei propri profitti dalle divisioni Windows e Office", spiega Hartung, "meno del 25% proviene da server e altri strumenti e praticamente niente dalla divisione entertainment che comprende Xbox e Kinect, dove invece perde grosse somme". La conclusione pare dunque logica: a prescindere da quanto possano essere apprezzabili i prodotti non legati a Windows, "senza le vendite del settore Windows/Office Microsoft non può sopravvivere" e dunque se c'è qualcosa da tagliare per salvare la baracca, questo è certamente il settore entertainment. Così parlò l'analista Hartung.

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.488
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

21/01/2013 17:23
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.489
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

21/01/2013 17:24

savè che pensi delle specs di 720???quelli di digital foundry erano informati bene... [SM=g1439201]
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 4.176
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Età: 49

Gaming XP User

21/01/2013 20:11

U.C. 1973, 21/01/2013 17:24:

savè che pensi delle specs di 720???quelli di digital foundry erano informati bene... [SM=g1439201]

Sarebbero spettacolari ed il salto generazionale ci sarebbe eccome!

Mi resta il dubbio di quanto simile ben di dio ce lo faranno pagare.

Se davvero esce quest' anno non penso riescano a vendere questo mostro meno di 600 euro.

A meno che Microsoft non voglia rischiare il tutto per tutto vendendo fortemente in perdita per i primi 2 anni... Certo che in un periodo di crisi come questo rischiano di accappottarsi di brutto!

Una cosa e' certa: se implementano quello che si vede su questo video me la prendo al lancio!!!

[SM=g2173855] [SM=x35358] [SM=x35391]
[Modificato da xavier 75 21/01/2013 20:12]

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 747
Registrato il: 17/03/2003
Età: 46

Gaming XP User

22/01/2013 05:39

Re: Re:
xavier 75, 1/21/2013 8:11 PM:

Sarebbero spettacolari ed il salto generazionale ci sarebbe eccome!

Mi resta il dubbio di quanto simile ben di dio ce lo faranno pagare.

Se davvero esce quest' anno non penso riescano a vendere questo mostro meno di 600 euro.

A meno che Microsoft non voglia rischiare il tutto per tutto vendendo fortemente in perdita per i primi 2 anni... Certo che in un periodo di crisi come questo rischiano di accappottarsi di brutto!

Una cosa e' certa: se implementano quello che si vede su questo video me la prendo al lancio!!!

[SM=g2173855] [SM=x35358] [SM=x35391]

Andatevi a vedere i video introduttivi del KINECT di come doveva essere vedi progetto MILO e poi vedi quello che alla fine e' stato il prodotto rilasciato a consumo di massa.

Questi video sono creati per generare hype ma alla fine il prodotto offerto e' semore tutt' altra cosa.........

Sinceramente non comprero' + al lancio ma solo dopo aver letto e soprattutto esaminato recensioni........

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 10.299
Registrato il: 26/06/2004
Età: 39

Gaming XP User

22/01/2013 08:24

Se sarà come in questo video, i primi ad esserne contenti saranno i vicini. ahahaha

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 4.184
Registrato il: 13/10/2003
Età: 49

Gaming XP User

23/01/2013 02:33

fabreezer, 22/01/2013 08:24:

Se sarà come in questo video, i primi ad esserne contenti saranno i vicini. ahahaha

non l'ho capita.. [SM=x35366]

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 10.324
Registrato il: 26/06/2004
Età: 39

Gaming XP User

30/01/2013 09:21

Re: Re:
xavier 75, 23/01/2013 02:33:

non l'ho capita.. [SM=x35366]

Con quella modalità di gioco, inevitabilmente anche i vicini saranno coinvolti.

Intanto, qualche visitatore del sito Xbox ha notato questa "anomalia" (scritta in alto a sinistra) subito ripristinata:

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 10.356
Registrato il: 26/06/2004
Età: 39

Gaming XP User

12/02/2013 08:57

We Know All About The Next Xbox, From Someone Who Says They’ve Got One

Stephen Totilo and Luke Plunkett
The next-generation Xbox—the one that will follow the still-popular Xbox 360—will run multiple games at once, require game installations, and will only work when a much-improved version of the popular but divisive Kinect sensor array is plugged in, according to a source who says he has access to development hardware.
Those are a just a few details about the new console, codenamed Durango, that were shared with us by a person with access to next-gen information. Our source also claims to have a pair of Durango development kits.
We've also heard more about how the system apparently works and what it will be like to control it and play games on it, though we've not seen the unit ourselves. Our source even claims to have played some Durango games, describing the graphical leap from current-gen console gaming like going from playing Halo 2 on an original Xbox to playing Crysis on a powerful PC.
Our source for this new info goes by the name SuperDaE. He first came to the attention of lots of people last year, when he tried to sell a Durango development kit on eBay (he says the sale was blocked by Microsoft over a copyright issue; we've asked them to confirm and will let you know what they say, if anything). He's an unusual but surprisingly well-informed source. More recently, SuperDaE contacted Kotaku with information about the next-generation PlayStation, all gleaned from more than 90 pages of Sony development kit documentation. He had new details to share about the next Xbox as well.

Like Sony, Microsoft refuses to acknowledge that their next-gen system is in the works and that people are making games for it. They're focused on selling current consoles, not giving people reasons to hold out for the future, no matter how near that future may be. As a result, Kotakusources who have told us about things such as the codenames of the new Wiis, Xboxes and PlayStations of the world have done so from the shadows of an industry still not able to beam brightly about the next generation of console hardware. Sources can be mistaken. They can mislead. And specs can change. Nevertheless, what SuperDaE told us synched with other reports, and some details—such as the Durango's support for Blu-Ray discs—lined up with rock-solid reports we've gotten from our own proven sources.
None of the details that follow have been confirmed by Microsoft. When contacted about some of the specifics of the story late last month, a rep cited Microsoft's policy not to comment on rumors and speculation. We've asked them again about both the Durango and about SuperDaE's claims that his eBay sale was stopped by Microsoft (though it's unclear how effective that was—he's put a "Durango PC" back on sale on eBay again). Should they comment, we'll let you know. ***
SuperDaE's information comes from what appears to be white papers—overview documents—crafted to prepare game makers for the next generation. Much of what we learned from them presents the notion of the Durango as being an exceedingly capable console that merges the traits of a powerful game console with the expectations of multi-tasking users of smartphones and tablets. Peripherals such as hard drives and the Kinect sensor that were optional in the last generation are mandatory in Microsoft's next go-'round, according to SuperDaE's information.
Here's what we learned from our source, with the understanding that, while what follows is fresh info relevant up through the state of Durango development in January 2013, specs and plans can change. The likelihood of further changes does diminish as the console's expected late-2013 release gets closer. An important note: many of the specs we were made privy to were said to be set not just for development kits but for the final retail consoles as well.

As we reported a year ago, the new version of the Kinect motion-control sensor array will be included with every Durango sold. The unit seems far superior to the one currently found for the Xbox 360 (or the PC, for that matter).
Perhaps most importantly, this isn't an optional accessory. It's mandatory. Not only does a Kinect ship with every console, but it must be plugged in and calibrated for the console to even function.
This requirement is due to the way Kinect has been integrated with the Durango; because every console can be guaranteed of having the camera, developers can now program every game with the peripheral in mind.
It's also because the Kinect will always be watching you. The new version of the camera is able to track up to six individual "skeletons" in the same room at all times. This has clear gameplay implications, such as allowing a game to instantly identify a person, but could also be related to a recently-patented Microsoft system for monitoring and maybe even charging users based on who is watching what. SuperDae's Kinect documentation also makes mention of automatic player identification becoming part of a gameplay experience.
The camera has also been improved upon the models currently available, with the Durango's version capable of independently tracking your thumbs, determining whether your hand is open or closed, and even, it's claimed, reading your facial expression and seeing whether you're angry, sad or excited. The improved viewing angle is so wide that the new Kinect doesn't even need to nod to find the best viewing angle.
For more detail on the ways in which Kinect has been improved since the device's first release in 2010, take a look at the diagrams below.

Storage & Installs
A point of confusion during the lifetime of the Xbox 360, and one of consternation for developers, was the way in which Microsoft split the install base of the machine, selling some consoles with a hard drive and others without. This meant games could not be programmed to specifically take advantage of a hard drive installation.
That divide is gone this time around, with all Durango retail consoles shipping with an HDD. That drive is 500GB in size, which should be enough for your media storage needs, but it'll mostly be used for games, which must now be installed immediately upon first insertion of the game disc.
What's more, this installation can take place automatically, while you're playing the game. Durango titles can be designed in "sections," so that you can pop your disc in, start playing and, in the background, the rest of the game will install. Installing games should bring performance improvements, we think, but doing so in the background should also get rid of pre-game install waits, one of the more annoying hold-ups of the current generation of consoles.
Durango game installations will also be mandatory, as games can't directly access data from the disc.

The Durango will be able to run more than one game or app at once, according to the information shared with us. If you're, say, a computer or smartphone user, this is not exactly sending-a-man-to-the-moon level of innovation. But game consoles have long been stuck just running the system-level functions (cross-game voice-chat, Achievement alerts, etc) while a single game runs. On an Xbox 360, even an app as simple as Twitter could only be used if whatever game the user was playing was shut down first. Durango, thankfully, gets past that.
The Durango is said to also allow games to be put into "suspend" and "constrained" states, which seemingly allow users to pause a game, switch to a second game, then return to the first game without losing their place, provided game developers follow some Microsoft protocols. Again, this is no revolution for users of computers, phones, or even Nintendo and Sony handheld gaming machines, but it is one giant leap for consoles.

The Durango's control pad will be a "natural evolution" of the Xbox 360's pad, according to SuperDaE's info. While this suggests a near-identical layout—not necessarily a problem considering the cross-platform popularity of the layout with the PC—Xbox 360 controllers won't work with the Durango, as they use what Microsoft is calling a "new wireless technology."

Companion App
Perhaps to complement the lack of direct advances to the 360's controller itself, Microsoft is looking to bolster support for its Xbox Companion App.
Some of the possibilities we've learned of are far more dramatic than those originally intended for the current version of the app, taking advantage of both a phone/tablet's motion sensing capabilities and Kinect to execute actions more like those you'd expect from Nintendo's Wii U controller.
Microsoft says, "There is no limit on the imaginative possibilities with this input medium and its screen real estate." The only question is if developers have the manpower (or willpower) to make the most of it.

While various outlets, including Kotaku, have shared information on the technical specifications of Durango development kits, the specs you're about to see here are those for the final retail units that consumers will be getting their hands on.
The next Xbox will run on custom hardware that includes an 8-core, 64-bit CPU running at 1.6ghz, an 800mhz DirectX 11.x graphics processor units and, alongside them, various "custom hardware blocks" that are able to handle certain individual tasks, taking the strain off the main CPU.

According to sketches from information shared by SuperDae, there's 8GB of DDR3 memory, along with a small amount of flash memory for system tasks. The Durango's optical disc drive is 50GB in size, while, as mentioned, there's a 500GB hard drive, with read speeds of up to 50 MB/sec.
If you've got a 3D TV set, the Durango is capable—if developers want to support it—of delivering stereo 3D content in 1080p.
Those reliant on wi-fi, and who were forced to pay for Microsoft's costly external adapter with the original Xbox 360, will be happy to know that the Durango ships with built-in wi-fi (though there's still an ethernet port for wired connections).
In terms of audio, the retail Durango will output via either HDMI or S/PDIF (optical) connections, and can support up to 7.1 channels. ***
There is always a high level of interest in a new generation of video game consoles, and things get particularly wild during the months before console-makers issue their official announcements. So much information flies around: some of it made up, some of it from sources we know, and some of it from sources we don't, characters who come knocking with extraordinary tales to tell.
No one seems to know everything about the new machines. SuperDaE, for example, offered nothing about the machine's name nor the look of the console or controller. He said nothing about the idea of the new Xbox requiring a constant online connection, something most recently reported by the respected Edge magazine. (One reliable Kotaku source has told us it's true, though, again, plans can change and the strictness of that online requirement—would it tolerate a spotty signal?—remains unclear.)
Soon, the leaks will be replaced by official statements and dazzling announcement events. It is nearly guaranteed that Sony will reveal its next PlayStation to the world at a major February 20 event in New York City. It's possible that Microsoft might try to spoil that event with a pre-show tease, or hold out as long as they can wait to announce—maybe until E3 in June.
For now, those who want to plan their console gaming future are left with whispers, rumors and leaks.
Our best sources continue to assume that the next Xbox will be out by the end of the year. With Xbox 360 sales remaining high, Microsoft doesn't have to put out a new machine, but with development so far underway and with hardcore gamers' apathy for circa-2005 console tech increasing, the time is increasingly right for a new gaming console.
We'll let you know as we learn more, and we'll be as clear as we can every step of the way.


Detto ciò, qualche esperto di hardware che traduca per noi poveri ignoranti cosa vuol dire tutto ciò dal punto di vista prestazionale?

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.610
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

16/02/2013 10:12

salve volevo semplicemete darvi qualche notizia in più riguardo hai rumors finora usciti riguardo la nuova xbox.
diciamo che ho lavorato per una nota software house inglese,che era in possesso di un devikit della nuova console,oltra alle ormai gia conosciute caratteristiche : CPU a 8 core
8Gb di RAM
sezione grafica AMD serie 8800
kernel di Windows 8 come OS
disco fisso da 640Gb
si e spesso parlato che la console potrebbe avere chip con tecnologia arm a basso consumo energetico.
questo e vero ma anche falso,il perchè?
la console e ne il devkit hanno questa tecnologia,ma bensi il controller
che pssiamo dire simile a quello di wiiu ma anke profondamente diverso,il controller che io ho visionato aveva le seguenti caratteristiche hardware : PROCESSORE
Modello Exynos 4412
MHz 1600
Versione Quad-Core
Menoria Interna 32000 MB
Pollici 5,5
Tipo Super AMOLED
Larghezza 720 pixel
Altezza 1280 pixel
Colori 16 milioni
TOUCHSCREEN Capacitivo e Multitouch
2 Fotocamere Anteriore e Posteriore da 1.5 mpx
2 stick analogici sinistra e destra
4 pulsanti
2 grilletti dorsali per lato
con wi-fi
ma la caratteristica principale del controller sara quella di trasformare la xbox da home console a console portatile.
in che modo il controller ha la possibilita di collegarsi alla console in remoto e di poter giocare i propri titoli salvati sul h.d. in qualsiasi momento avento il controller con se questo avviene perche il controller sfrutta la console come una sorta di server come una sorta di clouding game.
spero siate contenti di questa notiziona,e se non ci crederete cosa dire chi vivrà vedrà

se fosse vero [SM=g2173878]
Email Scheda Utente
Post: 10.372
Registrato il: 26/06/2004
Età: 39

Gaming XP User

16/02/2013 10:31

Sulla base di questa notizia, mi fai un paragone sulla New Xbox e sulla PS4?
L'emoticon è per la notizia in sè (che reputi ottima in toto), o per qualcosa di specifico?

Email Scheda Utente
Post: 9.611
Registrato il: 27/06/2004

16/02/2013 11:25

fabreezer, 16/02/2013 10:31:

Sulla base di questa notizia, mi fai un paragone sulla New Xbox e sulla PS4?
L'emoticon è per la notizia in sè (che reputi ottima in toto), o per qualcosa di specifico?

dal punto di vista dei freddi numeri,ps4 dovrebbe essere più potente di 720....ps4 punta più al vg,mentre 720 dovrebbe puntare di più sulla multimedialità.....infatti gli 8 giga di ram di 720 rispetto ai 4 si ps4,dovrebbero servire proprio per l'os del sistema ed i vari collegamenti....inoltre 720 avrà un pad classico,ed in più pare avrà un pad simile al wiiu per poter giocare in streaming e vedere film direttamente sul pad....(e questo per me sarebbe un grandissimo colpo [SM=g2173878] )
cmq aldilà di tutta la giostra,come sempre le console saranno simili dal punto di vista delle differenza verrà data dalle esclusive e dalle preferenze che ognuno avrà delle proprie saghe....
detto questo mi godrò la presntazione di ps4 ed attenderò quella del 720....stavolta sceglierò con calma [SM=x35282]
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