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[News] Petizione Dark Soul PC

  • Messaggi
  • brughita
    00 15/04/2012 19:03
    Si roberto, per meritare merita eccome.
    Per me è sicuramente IL gioco di questa gen.
    Se si esclude qualche problema tecnico di troppo (alcune zone con cali di frame rate) è eccezionale in tutto. E, più di ogni altra cosa, propone un gameplay e un comparto online innovativo e a tratti geniale.

    Certo il gioco propone un livello di sfida superiore alla media, ma nulla di esagerato se si conosce un pò il genere dei Dungeon Crawler.
    Per chi non avesse giocato mai prima d'ora un gioco di questo genere avrà un pò di difficoltà inizialmente, perchè grazie a dio gli sviluppatori hanno voluto discostare del livello di difficoltà "poppante" del sempre più commerciale mercato videoludico.
    Anche in questo il gioco risulta quasi rivoluzionario, seppur sia triste dirlo.

    Che poi più che difficile il gioco è "impegnativo". Richiede concentrazione e da grande importanza alla "morte". Tutto il cuore del gioco si base appunto sulla morte e l'umanità.

    L'errore di molti e quello di prenderlo alla leggera (abituati ai livelli di sfida di questi tempi) senza magari conoscere alcune cose basilari.
    Ecco questo è un piccolo problema del gioco. Ti spiega poco i meccanismi di base (in teoria per farteli scoprire da solo) e quindi il consiglio che do a tutti e di informarsi un attimo su come è strutturato e come funziona tutto.

    Per il resto ripeto è veramente eccelso.
    Direzione artistica da urlo.
    Colonna sonora minimale e ambientale spettacolare.
    Sistema di combattimento che semplicemente è il migliore in assoluto di tutta questa generazione.
    Online rivoluzionario e innovativo.
    Bilanciamento e costruzione del proprio pg praticamente perfetta.
    Rapporto bestemmie/godute incommensurabile :D

    Insomma non si può non consigliare. Certo però convine sapere che tipo di gioco è, altrimenti si rischia di odiarlo senza motivo.

    [Modificato da brughita 15/04/2012 19:04]
    U.C. 1973
    Post: 7.898
    Registrato il: 27/06/2004

    00 15/04/2012 19:29
    daccordo su tutto quello che scrive brughita....
    il 24 agosto lo rigiocherò su pc ad un framerate decente

    Post: 2.676
    Registrato il: 13/05/2003
    Città: NAPOLI
    Età: 42

    Gaming XP User

    00 15/04/2012 21:48
    ok...preso...ora lo scarto e comincio a dargli un'occhiata...a dopo/domani per le prime impressioni :P


    Post: 2.677
    Registrato il: 13/05/2003
    Città: NAPOLI
    Età: 42

    Gaming XP User

    00 16/04/2012 00:14
    giocato un'oretta o poco piu'....un corvo mi ha portato via dalla terra dei non morti, e dovrei suonare due campane...sono andato in basso per ora e delle specie di anime vaganti mi hanno massacrato con due colpi :P nella terra dei non morti non pensavo di dover già combattere con quella specie di drago quindi mi sn scervellato per cercare una strada dove andare, poi l'ho massacrato xD
    che dire...per ora è figo figo....peccato per il framerate che già ogni tanto è figo uguale...vediamo piu' avanti, domani sera ci dò dentro un paio d'ore


  • brughita
    00 16/04/2012 00:55
    Grandissimo. Se ti piace già all'inizio sei a cavallo.
    La strada giusta è proprio quella per il borgo dei non morti. Prosegui per un pò in quella zona. E' l'unica accessibile all'inizio. In tutte le altre sei senza speranza per ora.

    Come avrai capito è un mondo totalmente aperto ed esplorabile. La parte in cui avevi iniziato in "basso" credo sia Petite Londo. Ecco quella per esempio tieni a mente che la farai fra molto tempo :D

    Se hai colpito la coda del drago dovresti avere preso la spada del drago. E' un arma che inizialmente è sgravata. Se sei in difficoltà usala altrimenti di consiglio di lasciarla da parte e proseguire in maniera più equilibrata!
    Post: 2.678
    Registrato il: 13/05/2003
    Città: NAPOLI
    Età: 42

    Gaming XP User

    00 16/04/2012 14:10
    mmm la coda del drago non l'ho colpita mi sa...è importante sta spada? ci perdo nulla a ricominciare, così mi alleno anche meglio nelle varie dinamiche di combattimento e tutto il resto... :P
    [Modificato da RobertoStellone81 16/04/2012 14:10]


    U.C. 1973
    Post: 7.901
    Registrato il: 27/06/2004

    00 17/04/2012 20:50

    Are PC gamers masochistic? Certainly, enough of them wish to experience the exquisite pain visited on their console brethren by From Software, that an online petition to bring Dark Souls to PC has elicited over 92,000 signatures since its inception in January. Now, three months later, the petitioners have been rewarded by Namco Bandai announcing that it will grant their sadistic wish and so the brilliantly realised RPG will launch on PC on August 24.

    It’s an announcement that, on closer inspection, is bittersweet and speaking to From Software producer, Hidetaka Miyazaki, at the recent Namco Bandai Global Gamer’s Day in Las Vegas there’s a sense of excitement tinged with apprehension; fitting perhaps, as it’s a mix of feelings that the game itself so often provokes.

    On the one hand, Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition will feature additional content – more on that later – but elsewhere the game will very much be a straight port of the console version, with little work done to optimise it for the PC environment. Are From Software and Namco Bandai simply giving fans what they’ve asked for, or do they risk losing the good will and vocal support that Dark Souls and its predecessor have fought so hard to garner?

    The darkest hour

    First up, support for a keyboard and mouse will be included but minimal, with Miyazaki recommending use of a game pad and confirming that the menu and inventory screens will remain unaltered. Graphic options will be similarly sparse, which Miyazaki attributes to Namco Bandai requesting that the game be a “straight port”; this may even rule out optimisation in areas such as Blighttown and New Londo Ruins where the developer’s technical achievements on console were not able to quite match that of their artistic vision, resulting in frame-rate issues.

    Sadly, a PC port also brings with it the inevitable rise in the threat of piracy. With seemingly little being done to deliver a PC version that takes full advantage of the host platform’s strengths, the threat of piracy will not be combated by enticing potential pirates to pay to receive added value extras and so Namco Bandai will have to instead rely on DRM measures.

    In this area, it’s looking very likely that it will be Games for Windows Live that will provide a measure of security, although a Namco Bandai spokesperson insists that this is “still to be decided”. Yet another petition that has cropped up online since GFWL support was announced last week, with petitioners lobbying for the use of Valve’s Steamworks, rather than GFWL.

    However, ahead of the console release last year, From Software deployed high-level hunters into the game world to deter those who had obtained official copies ahead of its Japanese launch; perhaps a similar method could be used to combat piracy?

    “I hadn’t thought of using that means to fight piracy,” Miyazaki ponders, before going on to highlight a potential problem with the approach. “I have a concern that if we use creative ideas to fight piracy that may actually accelerate the volume of piracy and we need to prevent that situation.”

    Light at the end of the tunnel

    Moving away from the negative connotations attached to the words “straight port” and the increased level of piracy to be dealt with by the PC version of Dark Souls, there is hope to be found in the potential features that may result from Dark Souls coming to a more open platform.

    “Personally, I am interested in the concept of mods,” Miyazaki told assembled journalists. “However, due to the lack of experience of creating PC games, both as a director and a company, we need more time to adapt to what PC gamers would want with regard to mods, so at this time we’re not announcing anything.

    The implementation of a framework that allows mods would have to be carefully considered, so as not to push the game from compellingly difficult to outright unfair, but if Miyazaki is interested in the concept there is at least the possibility of support further down the line.

    Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition – PC

    Any further developments for Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition will likely be heavily influenced by sales performance, with Namco Bandai acknowledging that Dark Souls is something of a test case for them to gauge interest in the IP which, outside of the petition that supposedly facilitated this launch, remains unknown.

    Fortunately, a few, more tangible, facts surface concerning the new content that will be included in this release, all of which has been designed since the game’s console launch last year. A new chapter, set some time after players have battled through Sen’s Fortress, will support new story elements set in the kingdom of Lodran.

    Three or four new bosses will make an appearance, including the Dark Knight Artorias, along with some new NPCs, enemies, equipment and a new PvP matchmaking system, as detailed on the game’s website, though there won’t be any new covenants. Miyazaki is reticent to specify the exact form that these new bosses will take and further announcements concerning the new content will be made in the coming months, with E3 likely to yield the majority of the details ahead of the August 24 release date.

    At this point, console gamers will be clearing their throats in readiness to ask the inevitable question “what about us?”. Last year, Dark Souls DLC was rumoured, but whether this new content will be available for consoles either as downloadable content or perhaps as a part of a separate Prepare to Die edition standalone release is currently unconfirmed at this stage.

    “It’s completely understandable that people bought the original would have questions surrounding [the additional content]”, Miyazaki acknowledges when questioned. “However, as a director I cannot answer that right now – but I want to emphasise my apologies that we don’t have any news for [console gamers] at this point.”

    It seems highly unlikely that the extra content and assets would be designed specifically for the PC version and not released in some form on console but, despite some rumours that circulate during Namco Bandai’s event, this remains unconfirmed.

    Overall, the announcement of Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition is tinged with trepidation and speculative whispers that leave both PC and console gamers unable to wholly embrace what should have otherwise been triumphant news. The manner of the announcement may have proved unsatisfying, but the fact remains that PC gamers who have yearned for Dark Souls since its console release are soon to have their dreams and nightmares come true; I can only hope that they’re happy with the result and not made to rue what they wished for.

    sarà dura fino al 24 agosto [SM=x1759143]

    U.C. 1973
    Post: 7.902
    Registrato il: 27/06/2004

    00 17/04/2012 20:51
