00 01/02/2013 16:28

Microsoft insider responds to Playstation meeting; CVG sources "confirm" PS4 reveal #1
This is actually a good read too, IMO, talking about Sony gaining back ground in the industry (check it out), or, "seizing the moment". But these two little pieces stood out to me :P

Shots fired!

Of course, this morning a Microsoft insider offered a poignant reminder: "Victory will go not to those who make the most noise, but those who make the most impact".
Nice to see more sources confirm we'll see the PS4 too:

On February 20 a new PlayStation will be revealed (our sources have confirmed this morning, having tipped us off a few weeks back).

MICROSOFT inizia a tremare [SM=g1432559]
i link allo streaming saranno resi disponibili tra qualche giorno
