00 19/09/2018 12:00

[PS4] PES2019 Editor v1.1 by SMcCutcheon​

Ability to edit Team Name and Nationality, Coach Name and Nationality and all Player Attributes


Export .ted file from game on to USB
Decrypt using Panos' tool https://mega.nz/#!qcp2XY7J!p2WOqgj-vRdyQ8zOtggTNsYBiwemkUJ2quSbKEMDlRk
Open Editor in Excel, Enable Macros
Click "LOAD PS4 .TED FILE" and load your decrypted .ted

Editing Notes
Select player from list and always click the "CLICK TO EDIT PLAYER" before beginning editing the player.
The 'RESET PLAYER' button will take you to the last saved version of that player.
Click the 'SAVE PLAYER' button to save changes before moving to another player.
Editing the Team & Coach Details works in the same way.
Do not alter Player IDs at the moment. Always stick to PES values, do not input extreme values e.g. 101 for Attacking Prowess.
When finishing editing always click the 'SAVE PS4 .TED FILE' button.
(No longer any need to use HxD or any other Hex Editor, the saves will be saved directly to the file you loaded).
Encrypt with Panos's tool
Load back into game via USB

Known Issue
I have found when trying to select a certain player sometimes you can't always select it in the normal way from the list, to override this issue simply click higher up the list and drag down to the desired player. Appears to be an Excel issue.

: http://www.mediafire.com/file/23kyc6q3506zaqu/PES2019_Editor_v1.1_by_SMcCutcheon.xlsm/file

Thanks to: @maflores and @patusoy for assisting with the Beta Testing

[Modificato da li4m 19/09/2018 12:00]